Friday, October 8, 2010

The Art of Not Fighting

Are you able to see an argument brewing? Have you mastered the art of remaining calm while it builds steam? Can you choose not to engage when there's a perfect opening to make your case and keep things stirred up? This is no easy task for a feisty girl like me, but I do understand that force is followed by loss of strength.

So, at times, when the temptation to jump in is too great and my actions aren't loud enough, I say it out loud. "I'm not going to argue with you." Sometimes I'm talking to myself.

I'm practicing letting differences of opinion just sit there, out in the open, in full view, exposed. Even if it means wriggling in discomfort at the mess lying in front of me.

Of course there are things worth fighting, like cancer. But when it comes to debating inconsequential matters, setting the record straight or being 'right' I'm unclenching my fists to let go. With my hands relaxed, open and empty they are free to be used in more meaningful ways.